Hola mis amigos! It's been almost a week since we've spoken. I've missed you guys. As you can see I've changed the layout again. I'm keepin' it simple for now. I'm trying to make a statement- a little subtlety can go a long way. Anyways, I decided to title this blog "lost and found," and I think you'll understand why once I explain. Over the past few weeks all I've seemed to blog about was how shitty my life was. I kept going on about all the negative things in my life that I wished I could change without taking a breath long enough to realize all the beautiful things I've been blessed with. I've complained mostly about my relationship and how it wished I could fix it. I thought I had lost it, but don't you always seem to find something you're looking for in the place you'd least expect? I was so consumed with the emotional technicalities and clichés of a relationship that I had forgotten how deeply in love with Chris I've become. I found the passion that I thought was dwindling away. I found the gentle, caring man who I thought had turned cold. I would look at a situation as it occurred and I always felt like I should change something, but really that's not how it's supposed to be. When I look at the bigger picture I wouldn't change my relationship for the world. I wouldn't trade anything I've been through, good or bad, for something ordinary. Absolutely not. My love is nothing short of extraordinary and it continues to blossom with time. I only hope that it continues and that my time isn't cut short. I've learned that nothing is perfect, and I have to work with what I've been given and I'm perfectly content with that.
On a lighter note- I had a decent Labor Day. It was a four day weekend from work so that was lovely. Electricity is still off at my house, so I've been staying at my mom's. It's an hour and a half away from work, and not very convenient but I don't have much of a choice right now. I'm just trying to survive- It's what I do. I'm ready for this week to be over and for everything to go back to normal- but I'm not complaining. I just want to be at home, in bed with my baby and not sleeping on my mom's little ass couch. I want to eat my own food and not have to feel like I'm a burden to my mother who also has 2 other mouths to feed. I've always been independent and felt like I can take care of myself, so I don't want to feel like I have to depend on someone to survive. Things should be back to normal Thursday, and then I'll be ready to deal with the next situation that's thrown my way. Right now the current situation is that I have a major headache so I'm going to call it a night. I have to get up early anyways.
I'd love to hear how your weekend was.
the first paragraph was so deep, bre.
you have a way with words.
im glad things are looking up.
im mad things are off at your crib.
we gon have to handle that baby.
you know i got you in whatever u need.
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