Wow. It's been a crazy and slightly unsuccessful week. It wasn't a bad just wasn't a good one like I had hoped. It was a "whatever, ain't shit else I can do about it" kind of week. I'm sure you have all experienced one or two of ‘em. Those weeks when there is something you've been desperately trying to accomplish, but you just can't seem to get it done. You've been trying your hardest to make a difference, but everyone seems to overlook your efforts. That's how my week has been. It went exactly how I expected it to. Nothing out of the ordinary. I’ll go more into detail about that later in the blog.
I wanted to take a second to recap on my relationship blog because it’s seems to tie in with a lot of the shit that’s going on in my life presently. You see, I'm with a really great guy and I truly love him, I just feel like I'm with him for all the wrong reasons. We have such an unhealthy and unstable relationship and I'm starting to realize that I may not end up with the one that I'm in love with. Make sense? It’s a war of words between us daily. We are constantly arguing to prove who is in control of “this” or “that” situation and I always seem to lose. I can’t seem to be myself around him anymore, although I just want to be ME again. It’s such a complex situation and I’m really hoping that someone out there has some solid advice for me.
On a much lighter note…It’s been a while since I’ve really blogged. I just recently started updating again and it feels kind of good being able to vent my feelings to a completely unknown third-party. It’s good to know that someone is always listening. A lot has changed since my last blog in March. I was in Oklahoma then, and I’m finally back in Texas. I moved back with the intention of working for the same company I was working for down there, but due to a series of unfortunate events that didn’t fall through. I was without a job for about 2 weeks, but I’m finally back on my feet. I’m a receptionist for a Real Estate agency. It’s not easy being somebody’s bitch, but it pays well for the time being. I’m studying for the Postal Exam, because government jobs pay well and have awesome benefits. I’m looking to make a career, and become stable so $20hr sounds really appealing. On a much, MUCH lighter note. I changed my hair. For those who knew me before know that I’ve had BANGS my whole life. Now that bangs are “in style” I don’t have them. Oh the irony. Anyways, that’s pretty much all that is happening right now. It’s time to get off work, later dudes.
damn i miss you ..
add me on yahoo
i hope everything works out with you & your dude, love cake.
thankss ma :]
Ayeeee, 'sup?
I love love the new layout. I recently changed mine to a more plain look because everyone started biting ideas and whatnot. It's very frustrating when you're trying to be original and everyone has THE SAME thing. Anyway, lol - I feel what you're saying about the relationship situation. If you want to further talk on that just add my yahoo (nike.theory), and I'll give the best advice that I can possibly give.
I'm going to cut this comment here because EVERYONE hates long ass comments that really ramble on about nothing.
jay's gay.
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