My weekend went well as I had intended. I spent time with my mother and siblings and just enjoyed being back "home." My boyfriend and I took my little brother and sister to the skating rink and I must say I suck on skates. I started off on rollerblades but ended up switching to original skates which I've never skated on before. I don't understand how people can dance and do tricks on those damn things. I could barely move. I only fell once though... congratulate me! After we left my moms, we spent a couple of hours taking photos for the Future Entertainment website. Once the sun died down we spent a couple of hours chillin' at this small club Chris' grandmother runs. It was refreshing to just relax and listen to music. It was an older crowd so there were no niggas tryin' to "holla," no fights, and no ignorance. Just old people, soul music, and beer. Lol. We headed home after that. I had been anticipating a shitty week but things are going better than I had expected. Chris and I haven't been arguing, I'm starting to get the hang of things at work, and after a small emotional breakdown I've got my head screwed on tight and I'm ready for whatever! There's no use being down in the dumps because I'm doing better for myself than I can say for alot of people. I am truely blessed, and these trials are only a means of opening my eyes to the reality of life.

look at my little peter pan, ri ri.
I love Rihanna too, with her super hairstyles.
Lol, nah I'm kidding.
blah fuck both of them!
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