Sep 27, 2008
Sep 24, 2008

This is my brother when he first got his glasses. I think this picture is absolutely adorable, although some of you may not. He does't wear his glasses much anymore but he's still a ladies man! Don't hate.
Sep 16, 2008
Sep 10, 2008
I'm having a great week, and I hope it continues this way. I'm looking forward to making more good things happen. These events are just a kickstart to my "comeback." I've been down for a while, but great things are in store for my future. Be on the lookout! Make your life, don't let it make you.
Sep 4, 2008
I emailed my boss today and told her I'd like to meet with each of the ladies in the office so that I fully understand their expectations of me and vice versa. For those who don't know, I'm a receptionist. I have to cater to four very demanding women on a dailly basis. I want to make sure that we all have a mutual understand of the everyones expectations around here. She said it was a wonderful idea and that she would schedule the meeting sometime in the next day or so. I'm looking forward to it. There are some issues I hope to address. I'd better write them down somewhere, otherwise I'll forget.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. Chris is supposed to be leaving in the morning for his best friends bachelor party in New Orleans, but he decided he might not go. I hope he doesn't because I don't want to have to worry about his ass actin' buck wild for 2 or 3 days. Especially in New Orleans. Maybe if I act like I really want him to go he'll get suspicious and end up staying. It's like reverse psychology. I know that's not how it would work. He'd end up going anyways, and doing something he wouldn't have done originally out of spite. That's how Chris operates. All I know is I'd prefer if he didn't go, and that's the end of that.
30 more minutes to go at work, so let me get to work and make it look like I've actually been doing something.
EDIT:// I love how nothing goes according to plan. Chris just called and said that RENT is paid, but ELECTRICITY won't be paid until Monday. Likely. What's rent without electricity? I can't sleep there anyways. Looks like I'm staying at mom's...again. FUCK!@
Sep 3, 2008
Omg, I am so glad that my work day is almost over! I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm already becoming less motivated. When I'm not motivated I tend to not give a fuck, and when I don't give a fuck I tend to make a lot of little mistakes. My boss is having to repeat things she's already told me which doesn't make me look good. She shouldn't have to do that. I gave her a good first impression and I don't want her to start second-guessing her hiring decision. It's not that I don't like my job, I just don't love it. I get bored with doing the same things over and over. I like to conquer new challenges. I like change, period. Having to learn so much shit in such a short amount of time can be overwhelming. Luckily bosslady empathizes. It's the Real Estate industry so it's not all peaches and cream 'round here. Digg what I'm sayin'?
I don't have much else to update about. I just needed to vent. I get off in 8 minutes so I'm going to start cleaning off my desk and preparing to leave. I want to get out of here as fast as possible so I can get to my mom's sooner. I want to relax tonight, and try and get a decent night's rest. I need to sit still before my brain malfunctions. Have a good night.
Sep 2, 2008
Hola mis amigos! It's been almost a week since we've spoken. I've missed you guys. As you can see I've changed the layout again. I'm keepin' it simple for now. I'm trying to make a statement- a little subtlety can go a long way. Anyways, I decided to title this blog "lost and found," and I think you'll understand why once I explain. Over the past few weeks all I've seemed to blog about was how shitty my life was. I kept going on about all the negative things in my life that I wished I could change without taking a breath long enough to realize all the beautiful things I've been blessed with. I've complained mostly about my relationship and how it wished I could fix it. I thought I had lost it, but don't you always seem to find something you're looking for in the place you'd least expect? I was so consumed with the emotional technicalities and clichés of a relationship that I had forgotten how deeply in love with Chris I've become. I found the passion that I thought was dwindling away. I found the gentle, caring man who I thought had turned cold. I would look at a situation as it occurred and I always felt like I should change something, but really that's not how it's supposed to be. When I look at the bigger picture I wouldn't change my relationship for the world. I wouldn't trade anything I've been through, good or bad, for something ordinary. Absolutely not. My love is nothing short of extraordinary and it continues to blossom with time. I only hope that it continues and that my time isn't cut short. I've learned that nothing is perfect, and I have to work with what I've been given and I'm perfectly content with that.
On a lighter note- I had a decent Labor Day. It was a four day weekend from work so that was lovely. Electricity is still off at my house, so I've been staying at my mom's. It's an hour and a half away from work, and not very convenient but I don't have much of a choice right now. I'm just trying to survive- It's what I do. I'm ready for this week to be over and for everything to go back to normal- but I'm not complaining. I just want to be at home, in bed with my baby and not sleeping on my mom's little ass couch. I want to eat my own food and not have to feel like I'm a burden to my mother who also has 2 other mouths to feed. I've always been independent and felt like I can take care of myself, so I don't want to feel like I have to depend on someone to survive. Things should be back to normal Thursday, and then I'll be ready to deal with the next situation that's thrown my way. Right now the current situation is that I have a major headache so I'm going to call it a night. I have to get up early anyways.
I'd love to hear how your weekend was.
Aug 27, 2008
You people make me sick! For the past week now I've been searching HIGH and LOW for some interesting blogs to read. I thought it would be easy and that I might make a few Blogger friends. I found a few good reads, but damn all the rest of you bastards. Wtf is up with everyone having the same 4 or 5 links on their page?! I contemplate shooting myself after seeing the same page for the 15th time. How about you people get some friends outside of your BORING social network? Every page I go to looks the same. What happened to variety? What happened to substance? I guess I can't judge what a person write in their "diary," because I sometimes ramble on about nothing... I'm just irritated.

Aug 26, 2008
Random blog, random day.
My weekend went well as I had intended. I spent time with my mother and siblings and just enjoyed being back "home." My boyfriend and I took my little brother and sister to the skating rink and I must say I suck on skates. I started off on rollerblades but ended up switching to original skates which I've never skated on before. I don't understand how people can dance and do tricks on those damn things. I could barely move. I only fell once though... congratulate me! After we left my moms, we spent a couple of hours taking photos for the Future Entertainment website. Once the sun died down we spent a couple of hours chillin' at this small club Chris' grandmother runs. It was refreshing to just relax and listen to music. It was an older crowd so there were no niggas tryin' to "holla," no fights, and no ignorance. Just old people, soul music, and beer. Lol. We headed home after that. I had been anticipating a shitty week but things are going better than I had expected. Chris and I haven't been arguing, I'm starting to get the hang of things at work, and after a small emotional breakdown I've got my head screwed on tight and I'm ready for whatever! There's no use being down in the dumps because I'm doing better for myself than I can say for alot of people. I am truely blessed, and these trials are only a means of opening my eyes to the reality of life.

Aug 23, 2008
Aug 22, 2008
My life is so conflicted right now. I don't know weather to push or pull. I keep searching for a means to an end, but I see no end in sight. Wow, I’m really not a kid anymore. No one can take care of me but me.
Here is some GOOD news for you:
I’m at least $600 behind on my car payment, and the only reason they haven’t repossessed it yet is because I didn’t give them my new address when I moved back to Texas nor did I file for a change of address. I’m hoping that if I devote my next 3 or 4 checks solely to the dealership they’ll overlook this little mishap and let me keep my car once I’m caught up.
Rent is due in a week which is $450 that I don’t have. My name isn’t on the lease, so technically I’m not obligated to pay but if I don’t who else will? I’m the only person with a job in the household currently.
I have to take wretched COLD showers every morning before work because we haven’t paid the gas bill and it’s been cut off for nearly a month. Cold showers for a month!
Electricity just got cut off. That’s another $100 bill I don’t have the money to fork over for right now. Electricity is one of the most important bills, and I can’t pay it. I got paid today, but I don't know which priority is TOP priority.
And on top of everything I have to constantly bitch, or be bitched at about something. Wait, did I said I had good news? How’s that for a struggle? I just wanted to give you people some real insight to what I go through. So don’t judge me. Good day.
EDIT*/ 4:26PM It's amazing how I start writing a blog with absolutely nothing to say and words start to flow like water. All the trapped emotions begin to pour out of me, but when you ask me what's wrong I simply reply "nothing."
Aug 21, 2008
I wanted to take a second to recap on my relationship blog because it’s seems to tie in with a lot of the shit that’s going on in my life presently. You see, I'm with a really great guy and I truly love him, I just feel like I'm with him for all the wrong reasons. We have such an unhealthy and unstable relationship and I'm starting to realize that I may not end up with the one that I'm in love with. Make sense? It’s a war of words between us daily. We are constantly arguing to prove who is in control of “this” or “that” situation and I always seem to lose. I can’t seem to be myself around him anymore, although I just want to be ME again. It’s such a complex situation and I’m really hoping that someone out there has some solid advice for me.
On a much lighter note…It’s been a while since I’ve really blogged. I just recently started updating again and it feels kind of good being able to vent my feelings to a completely unknown third-party. It’s good to know that someone is always listening. A lot has changed since my last blog in March. I was in Oklahoma then, and I’m finally back in Texas. I moved back with the intention of working for the same company I was working for down there, but due to a series of unfortunate events that didn’t fall through. I was without a job for about 2 weeks, but I’m finally back on my feet. I’m a receptionist for a Real Estate agency. It’s not easy being somebody’s bitch, but it pays well for the time being. I’m studying for the Postal Exam, because government jobs pay well and have awesome benefits. I’m looking to make a career, and become stable so $20hr sounds really appealing. On a much, MUCH lighter note. I changed my hair. For those who knew me before know that I’ve had BANGS my whole life. Now that bangs are “in style” I don’t have them. Oh the irony. Anyways, that’s pretty much all that is happening right now. It’s time to get off work, later dudes.
Aug 20, 2008
Aug 18, 2008
For what? Someone please explain to me the point of being in a relationship? We all tell ourselves that we're in relationships to learn, and grow, and become closer with our significant other when we usually end up doing the exact opposite. We so long for some type of companionship that we often rush into things before actually taking the time out to asses the situation and decide if it's truely best for all parties involved. In most cases it's not. For most people, it's usually the physical attraction or the escape from their "real world" that kick-starts the relationship. For me, it was the fact that I was so tired of being alone. I thought I was happy with myself and the way my life was going. I told myself and others I was. That was just a front. What I've gathered from this year and a half battle of a relationship is that the biggest relationship flaw lies in the woman. We lose ourselves in love. It's inevitable. No matter how fucked up a creature the man is we have ourselves to blame. A man can lie to you, beat you, or cheat on you but as a woman we have to posess the strength and fortitude to walk away. No matter how much you may love someone you have to have the courage to know when it's time to walk away. I fell in love with a great guy, with so many flaws. It's a catch 22. I can't stand his ass, but I can't live without him. I think that through all him and I have been through I ultimately lost myself. I can't identify myself anymore. I'm just "relationship" Breanne. I'm the Breanne he wants me to be. Which brings me back to the question... for what? I'd go on, but I'm out of time.
Mar 16, 2008
It's Sunday.
I had an almost perfect week. It was a busy week for sure, but a good one. I started my new job on Monday and I'm enjoying it so far. My feet hurt by the end of my shift but it's no big. Just in these first few days I've gained a lot knowledge which is always a good thing. Along with my progress at work, comes progress in my love life as well. "My Baby" and I are doing good. I should probably knock on wood before I jinx it. Anyways, I really think this time apart has been good for us. It's hard being apart but "absence makes the heart grow fonder," and there's no denying that. The majority may think I'm crazy, but I put my faith into this relationship...or whatever you'd call it. I want things to go the right way the second time around. I'm trying to take advantage of the oppurtunity I've been given to start over, literally. God, please continue to shower me with blessings. It's getting late so I'll keep it short. Tomorrow is Monday, which means back to work once again. Goodnight, everyone.